In my current work, the Private Universe series I have transformed scraps of bubble wrap, creating an altered reality for them by applying layers of material from nature to create individual landscapes that blend the natural and the synthetic. Certain bubbles are selected and scanned creating scanograms, which are then digitally printed, giving a macro view of the landscapes.
This series continues the recurring themes of illusion, dreamscapes and fictional worlds in my work. Like landscapes we see in our daily lives, I am fusing organic and manmade materials to create otherworldly images that are somehow familiar and at the same time shroud their true origins. Litter often goes unnoticed as part of the landscape. These images show rubbish becoming the landscape, foretelling of a future world where finding the organic among manmade consumable items becomes difficult. These alternate perspectives also document the evolution and degradation of the materials used as they persist long after the materials are forgotten.
Private Universe # 32
Giclee Print
To learn more about my art practice and see more images: